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Plan No. 821
  • A non linked with profits limited premium payment plan.
  • Maturity Benefit:
    • 40% of the Basic Sum Assured along with Vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and Final Additional Bonus, if any.
  • Death Benefit:
    • Sum Assured on death along with Vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and final Additional Bonus, if any.
    • The death benefit as defined above shall not be less than 105% of total premiums paid as on the date of death.
  • Survival Benefits:
    • In case of Life Assured surviving to the end of the specified durations 15% of the Basic Sum Assured at the end of each of 5th, 10th, 15th & 20th policy year.
  • Optional Benefit:
    • Accidental Death & Disability Benefit Rider.
  • Loan facility is available under this plan after the policy acquires paid-up value.
Eligibility Criteria
Min. Max.
Age 13 45
Term 25 -
Sum 100000 No Limit (The Basic SumAssured shall be in multiple of Rs. 5000/-)
Premium Modes Yearly, Half Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly (SSS or ECS)
Yearly Premium for 1000000 Sum Assured
Age Term 25/20
25 56290
30 57221
35 58936
40 61631
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